Advanced Configuration Options - General
Key | Format / Example Value | Description |
helplink | | Online help location |
Clock-Images | {app.path}\clocks | Folder containing background images for the clock |
#TopLeft | 100,50 | Top left corner: Horizontal, Vertical |
Size | 1024,750 | Screen / display size: width, height |
Size# | 1300, 768 | Screen / display size: width, height |
Title | Mosque Congregation Times | Windows Title |
Ink | Black | Display colour |
Paper | White | Display background colour |
Font | Arial Narrow | Display font type |
Time-Separator | : | Character separating hours and minutes in: Hr:Mn |
Time-Format | 12 Hour | 12 / 24 hour clock display |
AM | am | Characters indicating AM for 12 hour clock display |
PM | pm | Characters indicating PM for 12 hour clock display |
Show-Next-Time | 6 | Show next day prayer times 6 minutes past the time for today. Set to 0 to disable this. |
Flash | 5,2 | When the time is changed: Flash duration (Secs) and flash speed (1/10 of seconds) |
Days | Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat | Days of the week for next day time, starting with Sun |
Date-Format | ddd dd MMM yyyy | The way the Julian Date should be displayed |
Islamic-Months | Muharram, Safar, Rabia Awal, Rabia Thani, Jumaada Awal, Jumaada Thani, Rajab, Sha'ban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhul-Qi'dah, Dhul-Hijjah | Names of months as you would like them displayed in Islamic dates |
Activation-Key | PrF6-6ttr-XAPW-Y6Qb | Your system Activation Key |
Show-Message-Count-Down | Yes | Display how long a message will remain on screen in window title |
General-Enabled | Yes | Enable / Disable General Configuration Menu Options |
Message-Enabled | Yes | Enable / Disable General Messages Menu Options|
Section-Enabled | Yes | Enable / Disable 1 - 6 Time Panels Configuration Menu Options |
Times-Enabled | Yes | Enable / Disable Enter Jamat Times Configuration Menu Options |
Edit-INI-Enabled | Yes | Enable / Disable Advance Configuration Menu Options |
ToolTips-Enabled | Yes | Show short help messages for each data entry fields and buttons |